Travelling the world is one of the most exciting and enriching experiences that life has to offer. Not only can it give you the break you need from the monotony of everyday life, but it helps to broaden your horizons, encourage personal growth, and allow you to create lasting memories.

Despite the benefits of travel, many people struggle to carve out the necessary time due to their busy schedules.

So, if you’re eager to see the world but aren’t sure how to find the time, here are five fantastic tips to help you spend more time travelling.

1. Prioritise Your Travels

One of the most important steps for spending more time travelling is to make it a priority. Change the mindset of seeing travel as a luxury, to making it an essential part of your life.

So, whether it’s a weekend getaway or a two-week vacation, book time off work for these trips and plan them in advance. Having your travel planned out makes it more likely to happen.

Create a bucket list of the places that you most want to go, and take every opportunity you can find to tick them off.

2. Leverage Remote Work and Freelance

The rise of remote work and freelance opportunities has made it easier than ever to travel while maintaining your job.

If your career path allows it, consider working remotely from different locations, as this way, you can explore new horizons without taking time off.

And, if you have a skill that you could do as a freelancer, you could instead be your own boss. With platforms such as Upwork, you can advertise your skillset and find jobs that you can complete on the go. Just make sure that you have regular internet access while you travel so you can keep in touch with your clients.

3. Take Your Education on the Road

Similarly, remote education is another avenue of life that is becoming increasingly popular. Students no longer need to choose between continuing their education and taking a gap year, their education can come with them when they travel.

So, if you’re thinking about online learning in order to travel the world, education experts such as Signum Magnum College offer an ideal selection of online degree programmes that will let you continue learning on the go.

4. Streamline Your Finances

Travelling typically requires careful financial planning, so start by creating a dedicated travel fund that sets aside a portion of your income each month for your trips.

You could also find ways to earn a little extra cash while you’re away. For example, if you’re going to be taking a long trip, you could consider renting out your own house on Airbnb while you travel. The money you earn from this side hustle can help you to pay for your travel expenses.

5. Embrace Flexibility

Sometimes the best trips are the ones that you take last minute, so be open to spontaneous travel opportunities.

When you’re flexible with your travel dates and locations you can find great deals on unexpected adventures. So, you find that you’re going to be free this weekend, look at offers for short city break opportunities.

Have you found ways to spend more time travelling? Share your tips in the comments below!

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