A lot of women use tons and tons of products to combat the signs of skin ageing and other skin issues. Some of them even spend a good amount of money to keep their skin younger-looking and radiant.

If you are one of these women,  then you know exactly how difficult getting beautiful skin can be.

Fortunately, however, there are these 7 easy tips for natural beauty you can try- all without chemicals or even expensive price tags.

1. Choose whole foods

Those fried and greasy junk foods won’t do your skin any good. In fact, aside from your skin, they can also create problems for your general health.

Diabetes and hypertension, on top of the skin breakouts,  are only few of the issues you’ll have to face if you constantly indulge in a high-salt and high-fat diet.

So, instead of dragging your grocery cart to the center of the grocery store, push it along the sides. These are the areas where you’ll see whole foods more.

Fill your grocery cart and your pantry with fresh fruits and vegetables. Turn them into delicious salads and prepare a spare pack so you won’t have any excuse to call for a pizza delivery once you get hungry.

2. Do a routine exercise

It doesn’t necessarily have to be vigorous. Even a short but frequent brisk walk in the park can help you burn some calories while purging out toxins.

Exercise has a lot of benefits not only physically, but emotionally and mentally as well.

However, despite its benefits, you should still be careful when choosing your type of exercise. High-intensity exercises, for example, can cause your body to experience stress.

Once that happens, your body will trigger several responses, including inflammation and insulin resistance. These things can lead to chronic acne.

Aside from this, you should also take caution about exercise-induced acne. Make sure to wipe off sweat right away and keep your hands and equipment clean all the time.

3. Indulge in daily meditation

Meditation is a two thousand year-old practice of introspection. It helps you be more in tune with yourself.

It also makes you more energetic and aids in your body’s cellular repair. It enhances blood flow to your organs and bring more oxygen to your cells.

As a result of these benefits, your aging process greatly slows down. You look more radiant, refreshed and glowing.

Since it can make your mind and body relax, meditation also allows you to be more conscious of your choices. It gives you time to slow down and enjoy taking care of yourself better.

As to how you should meditate, there are actually no rules. But the idea is that the more you practice it, the easier it gets for you to enter a relaxed state.

You can do this for a couple of minutes everyday, preferably in the morning. Find the best spot in your home where you can sit comfortably in silence, with our without a meditation guide.

4. Pamper yourself with a massage once in a while

There is nothing wrong with rewarding yourself with a good massage every now and then- particularly if you’ve had a rough day at work or when you’re too stressed.

A massage can improve your blood flow which means there’ll be more nourishments and oxygen that can reach your skin. It also makes toxin removal easier.

Another benefit of massage is skin tightening. So, if you want to improve your skiin’s elasticity, get rid of those wrinkles and puffiness, getting a massage is the right way to go.

It doesn’t necessarily have to involve expensive trips to the spa. In fact, with the right type of oil, you can give your skin a soothing massage each night.

5. Take supplements

Your diet alone may not be enough to give your skin all the nutrients it needs to stay young and healthy. To ensure that you give your skin the help it needs to stay glowing from the inside, you can consider taking supplements.

Fern extract, for example, can help protect your skin against the harmful UV rays while addresing inflammation. Omega 3 fatty acids, on the other hand, can regulate your skin’s oil production. It can also help delay the frustrating signs of skin aging.

6. Protect your skin against the sun’s UV rays

Exposing your unprotected skin ag skin to the sun is one of the best ways to hasten the process of skin aging. In fact, prolonged and frequent sun exposure can’t only make you look older than your actual age, but it can also predispose you to skin cancer.

Scary, isn’t it?

To save your skin, make sure you wear enough protection before heading outdoors. There are actually a lot of sun protecting products you can use, ranging from physical to chemical sunscreens.

Aside from applying products, make sure you also wear proper protective clothing. Try to wear clothes that can block out the sun’s rays or you can wear a hat to shield yourself.

7. Get enough rest

There is no denying what a good night sleep can do for your skin. It’s the time where your body gets to relax and repair itself.

Without it, your body will release stress hormones that can lead to inflammation. If you already have acne-prone skin or rosacea, it can mean bad news.

It also causes an imbalance in your hydration. Instead of the excess water getting removed out of your body, it actually stays and makes you look puffy.


Maintaining your beauty takes more than just finding the right skin care products. You should also know how to take care of your skin from the inside.

These golden rules may sound complicated or even too hard to follow at first but once you get the hang of it, they’ll come naturally. Plus, seeing how these tips can get you that great clear skin you’ve always wanted is enough motivation for you to keep pushing forward.

There is no shortcut to natural beauty. It’s actually a commitment.


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