Alcohol misuse is rife in Britain. In England alone there are an estimated 589,101 dependent drinkers. Furthermore, almost a quarter of Brits in England and Scotland regularly drink over the Chief Medical Officer’s low-risk guideline.

It appears that those with the biggest issue with alcohol use are 55-74 year olds. Baby boomers are drinking more than any other generation. 45 per cent of English hospital admissions caused by drinking were among those aged 55 to 74 in 2015/16, up from 36 per cent a decade earlier.

Many of those who are alcohol dependent are living seemingly normal lives and work high-profile jobs, but their addiction is still physically and mentally damaging. Despite there being nearly 600,000 alcohol dependent Brits, only 20% are seeking treatment for their addiction. Alternative therapies for addiction, such as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) are becoming more advanced and prevalent, but are still relatively underused.

CEO and Founder of Smart TMS, Gerard Barnes, is keen to discuss the following topics:

  • Alcohol dependency in the UK
  • The cost of alcoholism to the UK
  • Current and alternative treatments for addiction and other mental health issues
  • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and its benefits
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