Unleashing Brand Brilliance: An Exclusive Interview with the Legendary Brand Engineering Man, Omurden Sezgin

    • First of all, can we know Ömürden Sezgin? What does this Brand Engineering mean?

I hold a B.Sc in Industrial Engineering and an M.Sc in Informatics from Middle East Technical University (METU) which is one of the most prestigious universities in Türkiye, and I am currently pursuing studies in Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Enterprise Development at the University of Westminster. I first started my career as a production engineer. After 2 years, I have been working on brand, strategy, and business development for 18 years. As the founding marketing manager of n11.com, a major Turkish marketplace, I played a crucial role in the brand’s establishment from scratch. Subsequently, I founded a strategy and brand engineering company, ancreva.com, and have been successfully building strong brands for over 20 years.

The concept of Brand Engineering is actually a concept that shows strategy and creativity. The brand describes creative ideas and intangible assets, and the engineering side represents analysis and math. Just as civil engineers build buildings and mechanical engineers deal with machinery, brand engineers are the ones who ensure the effective construction of brands.

With extensive experience as a “Brand Engineer,” I have worked globally with over 50 brands. My academic and practical experiences uniquely position me at the intersection of entrepreneurship and brand development, allowing me to foster a dynamic approach to innovation in the field confidently.

  • Can you share the founding story of Ancreva and the core mission of the company?

In fact, at the heart of our founding story is our mission, which hasn’t changed since day one.

Ancreva comes from the steps of our core business. First, we start with analysis; the second step is to develop the creative strategy; and the last step is to work as an outsourced marketing department that will add value to the brand. So AN- analysis, CREA- creativity, VA- shows the value we create.

ancreva consists of a team of 5 people, each of whom is an expert in their field, has worked in global projects and has an average of more than 15 years of experience.

We are a company with an innovative approach to strategy and brand engineering, founded in 2020 to bring ideas to life and turn brand dreams into reality. Every word that makes up our own brand name describes what we do and what we aim to do. We do in-depth analysis to strengthen brands, create the brand and add value, embodying our commitment.

  • How does Ancreva work on a brand’s strategy? What methods does it use to apply brand engineering?

Our core project management system is based on three main phases. In the first stage, the analysis phase, we conduct a comprehensive market and trend analysis. We know the industry of each brand we work with, as well as the brand itself, and we even collect customer feedback through quantitative and qualitative research methods. We also conduct field research and interviews, conduct competitor analysis, benchmarking, SWOT and PESTEL analysis, and conduct a detailed brand audit. In this phase, which is the longest process, we identify the brand’s market entry and differentiation points from competitors.

In the second phase, creation, we focus on building a strong foundation for the brand with a clear brand strategy and objectives, establishing brand positioning and values, developing a brand identity with an emotional and visual approach, creating a strategic tagline, choosing a brand name, and managing campaign design. At this stage, we try to make the brand resemble a person. We determine the appropriate character for the brand through Jung’s 12-brand archetype model. In fact, we determine a personality for the brand, determine its clothing, style, and expressions according to this personality, and create a standard, which is the most important step in branding strategy.

Finally, in the value-add phase, we aim to turn strategy into actionable plans, build a robust marketing ecosystem, and provide management support. This includes preparing business and marketing plans, defining key performance indicators (KPIs) and budgets, implementing and monitoring growth performance, and providing services such as CMO and Founding Partner upon request. We call this phase CMO as a service or, based on the project needs, Co-Founder as a service.

  • You say that you evaluate brands like a person, and in this sense, you use Jung’s archetypes. Can you explain this in detail?

For a brand to be recognised, it is crucial that it connects with people on a personal level. Brand loyalty does not happen through product sales but through the emotional connection of the brand. Jung’s archetypes are a great tool to achieve this. Take Nike, for example. Their iconic slogan ‘Just Do It’ clearly represents the hero archetype. Nike inspires people to overcome challenges and become heroes in their own lives.

So when brands tap into universal human experiences, they not only fulfil their customers’ deepest desires and expectations but also create authentic connections that build trust and foster long-term loyalty.

We identify the archetype that reflects the essence of the brands we work with through extensive research, and we draw inspiration from this archetype in their long-term communications.

  • Has Ancreva had prominent success stories with the brands it has worked with in the past? Can you give examples?

So far, we have taken part in more than 50 brand strategy projects. Our main focus is digital technologies, energy, health tourism, and e-commerce, and we work with scale-ups as well as startups. There have been many examples where we worked as founding partners on spin-off projects for large companies. The launch of the shared mobile energy platform beefull from scratch and reaching 100 thousand members, the establishment of the new brand structure of Antlara Dental, one of Turkey’s leading dental clinics, which creates more trust and brings more patients, the global expansion of the leading IAM platform Securify Identity, and the brand management of the leading proptech company Endeksa can be considered successful brand management projects that we worked on and are still working on.

  • Why do companies like startups and scale-ups need a brand strategy? How should they work on this?

For startups and scaleups, building a brand strategy is crucial to creating a unique identity, establishing credibility, and standing out in the market. It can be a daunting task, but a strong brand strategy helps craft a consistent and compelling story that resonates with the target audience. To develop this strategy, startups need to start by defining their mission, values, and target audience. Conducting market research, understanding competitors, and crafting a distinctive brand message are essential steps. Moreover, it’s important to focus on creating a visually appealing and cohesive brand identity, including a memorable logo and consistent brand elements. Finally, consistent communication and engagement with the audience will reinforce the brand strategy and foster brand loyalty. We understand that building a brand can be challenging, but with the right approach, it can lead to long-term success and customer loyalty.

  • What has changed in today’s marketing for brands? What are the new trends?

As the marketing landscape transforms, it’s becoming more important than ever for brands to connect with their customers in a meaningful way. With digitalization and social media leading the way, personalised content, influencer marketing, and user-generated content are just a few of the ways that brands are engaging with their audiences. And it’s not just about the content; sustainability and purpose-driven marketing are becoming increasingly important too. As consumers, we all want to feel like the brands we support share our values. But don’t worry; brands are listening and adapting to our needs. Thanks to data-driven strategies, AI-powered analytics, and a focus on customer experience, modern marketing is evolving to meet our needs like never before. We’re excited to see where these trends take us in the future.

  • Your head office is in Istanbul, and you moved to London? Why did you make this decision?

The decision to move our office to London was based on strategic considerations related to the UK’s global prominence in the business and finance sectors. London’s position as an international business hub offers various networking opportunities, access to a diverse talent pool, and exposure to a dynamic market. The UK’s stable business environment, cultural diversity, and proximity to key markets make it an advantageous location for our operations, enabling us to enhance our global presence and connect with a wider audience.

One of the reasons why we came to London is the intense business volume between Türkiye and the UK and our aim to serve as a bridge here at Ancreva. In other words, we aim to support companies on a bilateral basis to open up to the market and expand their brands.

  • When you compare the UK and Turkey, what do you say in terms of branding and doing business?

When considering target markets and industry dynamics, it is important to take into account the unique advantages and considerations of each country. The UK market is diverse and cosmopolitan, offering brands the opportunity to reach a wide audience, while Turkey’s strategic location, bridging Europe and Asia, offers a dynamic market with a growing economy. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on specific factors and objectives aligned with your business needs.

  • When you think about the different sectors you work with, which of them do you think has the potential to globalise through branding strategies? Could you comment on this potential, especially for Türkiye and the UK?

Türkiye receives a total of 50 million tourists annually, with 1.2 million of them engaging in health tourism. Among the 3.2 million tourists arriving from the UK, 150,000 come specifically for health tourism purposes. Türkiye generates approximately £2 billion in revenue from health tourism, making it one of the country’s most significant soft power assets. Factors such as Turkey’s climate, quality healthcare services, and expert medical professionals contribute to this, along with affordability. However, while affordability is advantageous, it also poses challenges to branding efforts, potentially hindering the advancement of Turkish clinics and hospitals. Recognising this, we’ve identified health tourism as a strategic area between Türkiye and the UK, emphasising branding activities to cultivate a perception of quality and strength rather than mere affordability.

  • What is the future vision for Ancreva? How do you envision your company in the coming years?

At Ancreva, we are passionate about helping brands navigate through the complexities of growth and global expansion with empathy and care. Our transformative “Δ ancreva” value is all about empowering brands to achieve their full potential, and we take pride in facilitating brand transformations that not only meet but exceed expectations.

We will soon offer startups a tool that performs AI-powered strategy and brand personality studies. We are working with great excitement on this product, which will analyse the competitors and markets of startups and provide them with a strategic road map.

  • For new entrepreneurs and business leaders, what advice do you have for building a successful company?

I always advise leaders to emphasise these three approaches. First, be a good observer. Always stay up-to-date by observing the market, competitors, and especially trends. Second, use your creativity to shape your brand. Don’t talk about your products; let your brand speak about you, your company, and your culture. Focus on gaining loyal customers, not your finances. Finally, be patient. Successful businesses require great patience, so mentally prepare yourself for the challenges ahead.

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