Cannes, France: Wednesday 16th May 2018 –  hubii launched its Blockchain film funding platform hubii film with an exclusive event during the 71st Cannes Film Festival with over 50 of the world’s leading film producers attending the event where hubii announced its first film to be funded.


(From left to right): Ian Davies, Tony Henderson, Jacobo Toll-Messia

Hubii film provides film projects with a blockchain based decentralized marketplace focused on changing two key processes for film makers: Access to new funding sources and promotion support during the fundraising phase.


The first project that will raise funds through the platform is the documentary Bitcoin Goldrush (Iceland) which will be produced by Hlín Jóhannesdóttir (Land Ho, The Swan) and directed by Rob Alexander (Gary Numan: Android in La La Land).

Producer Hlin Jóhannesdóttir said: “It is exciting to have the opportunity to raise through crypto-currency funding sources. We look forward to the transparency the blockchain ecosystem provides and the value adding opportunities we get through the film’s unique coin.”

The Bitcoin Goldrush (Iceland) will document how a Bitcoin industry has developed after the financial crisis in the country famed for its low crime rate and geothermal-powered electricity system.

The new approach to film funding allows the creation of tokens for specific productions as well as a secondary market for trading and holding those and other tokens and cryptocurrencies.  It offers a secure, easy to use ecosystem which includes a wallet, a distributed exchange and the ability to accept and manage FIAT currency alongside leading cryptocurrencies.

“The hubii film launch is yet another step towards our goal of creating a fully decentralized content marketplace. We are building the full set of tools needed to facilitate this vision and it is great that our first blockchain funded content project actually covers blockchain as a topic.”, says hubii CEO Jacobo Toll-Messia.

hubii film brings together the team at hubii, Tony Henderson – a Microsoft and BBC media technology veteran – as well as several film execs, including Ian Davies, who have been involved in more than 60 feature films.

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