If there’s one industry that reflects the growing power of women in the working world, it’s the watch market. Year by year, women are taking a larger share of the male-dominated market, leaving watchmakers scrambling to produce more feminine styles.

More than a fashion statement, a watch also helps women be taken more seriously at the workplace, a high-quality watch instantly commands respect and attention in the workplace, it lets everybody know they mean business. It’s no wonder that women are taking the market by storm as they grab pieces that reflect their powerful positions.

However, it’s not necessary to break the bank to be respected, nor is it necessary to buy a specifically women’s watch. Unisex watches bridge the gap between the two watch styles and offer wearers the best of both worlds. These watches have a diameter of between 37mm and 40mm and are generally free of overly feminine or masculine qualities such as precious stones or highly technical features.

 The trending accessory pieces are far from a compromise, they combine style with substance alongside shared values that both men and women can enjoy.

A unisex watch also has the benefit of shareability. A husband can lend his watch to his wife, a mother can lend her watch to her son, and a grandfather can leave his prized watch to his granddaughter.

JEAN JACOB, the London based watch company, caters to this unique need with a selection of unisex watches, to learn more visit www.jeanjacob.com

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