“The Immolation of a Water Drop” is the final episode of the season zero of his 2nd EP Sunderground.

This is the last puzzle piece enabling to understand his previous releases, starting with the EP Allrats (2014).

Hybrid, epic, telluric, possessed, to name a few words depicting CHEVALIEN’s music.

Through throbbing abyssal drums, Coliseum roars, para-religious mantras and guttural energy, CHEVALIEN delivers a surgically precise sound, where dark and deviant rap collides with ethereal and apocalyptic electronic music.

CHEVALIEN transcends the stage with raw spirit, lurid screams and a sprawling universe, akin to a hydra inclined towards self-beheading.

Video footage:

Coal-mining of Dunkerque area and Mount Loos-en-Gohelle (Nothern part of France), Quebec forest (Canada)


CHEVALIEN is a solo project, of a multi-instrumentalist, starting as a drummer. He is surrounded by two other musicians on stage.

He represents a symbiosis between metal, dark electronic, 2010s trap, and movie soundtracks.

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