The must-see film of the month is a small film called ‘Cowboys.’

It’s small because it doesn’t have huge stars in it and also it’s small in length – 85 minutes – but it packs an important and timely punch into a heartwarming and memorable film.

Sally (Jillian Bell) and rebel bad boy hippie Troy (Steve Zahn) used to be married but are proud parents of their daughter Joe (Sasha Knight). However, Joe doesn’t feel right in a girls body – Joe insists, firstly to Troy, the she’s a boy who prefers to wear button down shirts and trousers with a big belt buckle. Her mom Sally would prefer Joe to wear little girl dresses with her hair styled very feminine. To say that Sally doesn’t approve of Joe being transgender at such a young age is an understatement. Troy, who has always been very close to Joe, tells Joe that it’s no big deal snd they will work around it. But Sally is still not on board with the idea, and after a bust bust up between her and Joe, Troy and Joe hatch a rescue plan that will enable them to escape and do their own thing. But Troy does not have full custody of Joe, and once they sneak off into the night Sally claims her daughter has been kidnapped, so the the local police and the local townspeople start looking for them. But they’ve escaped into the mountains and are hoping to cross the border into Canada where they’ll hope Joe can have a shot at a normal life.

The performances in this small film are superb. Zahn, who has previously been seen in ‘Captain Fantastic,’ has never been better – unshaven and in full daddy care mode. Comedian Bell is fine as the mom who doesn’t quite get what her daughter is going through, while Knight is simply amazing as the conflicted Joe – Knight gives a sensitive and memorable performance. Director and Writer Anna Kerrigan surely got this film right – exploring a timely topic that is presented beautifully. A must watch.

‘Cowboys’ is now available on Curzon Home Cinema and Digital Download

Review by Tim Baros

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