The Edric Ong 2022 Collection features the exquisitely hand-woven natural dyed ikat textiles known as “Pua Kumbu”. With artistic drapery techniques, the uncut cloth is fashioned on the models; taken fresh off the loom after they are woven!

The unique fashion of Edric Ong combines a touch of the ethnic and oriental with the contemporary; innovating styles with creative use of the ikat hand-woven silks and cottons.

Woven by Iban women in the longhouse village of Rumah Garie, along the Sungai Kai river located in the heart of Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo, these “woven dreams” have won the UNESCO and World Crafts Council Award of Excellence, and are now much sought after by fashionable people internationally. The textiles were also given the prestigious Japanese “G” mark awards by the Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization (JIDPO).

Designer Edric Ong has been promoting the “Pua Kumbu” for over 30 years; and was instrumental in introducing silk yarn to the weavers who traditionally wove in cotton. For this Tenun Fashion Week collection, the weavers are using the new Tencel yarn.

Edric Ong was awarded the “Global Fashion Influencer 2016” at the Asian Fashion Awards and the “Malaysian Designer of the Year 2009” by Mercedes-Benz/Stylo.

Edric Ong also collaborated with other craft communities to fashion the hats and other beadwork accessories used in this “Off the Loom” Collection 2022.

Media Coordination & Concept: Saif Rahman Sozib

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