The elegance of Marina Corazziari
By Gabriella Chiarappa
The elegance of Marina Corazziari back the theme chosen by the talented jewelry designer, which shows a timeless elegance, the one celebratedatAltaRoma, where the designer can cross generations, life situations and historical periods with a thread of nostalgia, for an aesthetic made of delicacy and humor, charm and disenchantment, winning smiles and freedom, to tell, with love, a myth prematurely died, Gianni Versace.
Pictorialcontradictions of jewels on fabric, contamination of fantasies stolen from the sea in contrast to those of enchanted woods, the sensuality of velvet contrasted with chiffon sails, for Marina Corazziarieachjewelis a tale decorated with precious stones, pearls and rock crystals, turquoise, and silver, sapphires and corals, for contemporary testimonies of seductive ageless women.
The Marina Corazziaricollectionisinspired by fantastic pictures which unites the painting to real life, the fantasy to reality, in a series of tableaux vivants combined together, creating the illusion that the subjects are part of paintings which suddenly come to life. Overhangs the exhibition/event the image of “Medusa”, the search of the soul, a work by Guido Corazziari which is a digital reinterpretation of the Caravaggio’sfamous work on display at the Uffizi in Florence, eternal metaphor of the dangerous fascination of beauty and its opposite, the monstrosity, able to swallow us as a marine vortex in its depths.
Thatcreated by Marina Corazziariis a live performance whichwants to be a non-trivialmessage to the fashion, animating a surreal and complex scene, staged by the interior designer Gianna Tedeschini, an eventthatenhances the sense of theater to present the garments, inspired by Versace, by the young fashion designer Fabiana Gabellini, the iconicshoes, like rare jewels, by Duccio Venturi Bottier, asstories of a fairy tale, runalong the borderbetween the photographic image and the narrative prospectus, where the work by Marina Corazziariismainly a “staging” of fashion, the contamination of fashion with art and design presentedthroughtableaux vivant, in a background of musical accents by Francesco Gagliardi. Those of Marina Corazziari are not illusions but suggestions, her wonderful jewels mixed to an unforgettable fashion icon, the nostalgic memory of Gianni Versace in the neoclassical works and the IlianRachovscarves, elements that turn into the allegory of moments fixed by the video art by Michele Stabile, but also by photography, which recount itself to observers. In every work there is also great irony and skill, a delicacy that is imposed by the art of those who are “behind” the camera, the ability to give a soul to the living mannequins transforming them from wonderful women to “instruments” that talk about us, our feelings, memories, our glances, our fantastic suggestions, in a dreamy location: Villa Brasini 489 in Ponte Milvio.
Marina Corazziariis, as “Alice in Wonderland,” surrounded by friends… people that make smile her heart, like the MadHatter says, skillfully directing a concert of sounds, light touches, and delicacy of images, therefore true art, able to overcome the boundaries between fashion and design, dream and creative inspiration… otherwise what is fashion?
HM: Makeup Italy by Luciano Carino.
Shooting: Edoardo Tranchese I Tranchese Fotografi
Media Partner: OMNIROMA e Societa’ Editrice Ediroma S.r.l.