Inspired by the Children’s fairytale books by Jean de La Fontaine, this whole collection by Le Fil serves as an ode to that era. With its whimsical artistry and unmistakable inclusivity, it brings you into another universe as written by the poet and as imagined by a child. From the eye of an artist the collection is reminiscent of the past with its shapes ranging from voluminous to silhouette-defining.

The idea of the collection revolves around an attainable cozy with an undeniable element of luxury with fabrics like velvet, silk organza, and faux fur. The versatility of the collection is obvious with the reflection of gender fluidity and androgyny throughout. Inclusivity is one of the brands main objectives. The collection includes a play on hand drawn prints and hand painted fabrics to help visualize the inspiration behind it.

Carolina Charles Communication

Mariana Cattoir FabUK Magazine

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