These Recipes Will Be a Real Gift for Your Gut on Dec 25th

Expert nutritionist Lily Soutter and leading charity Bowel & Cancer Research have launched a series of recipes set to be a treat for the taste buds – and the gut, this festive season.

Providing a delicious alternative to the traditional Christmas dinner, the Gifts For Your Gut recipe plan includes a starter, main course and a pudding. Looking for ideas for all those leftovers? We have those too, so you can enjoy gut friendly food with minimum waste.

This Christmas meal has been created to have specific properties for supporting gut health, and to help ease symptoms which often come with gut related conditions. Each dish has different gut friendly elements including a low FODMAP starter which could make a great choice for those with sensitive tummies, a ‘free-from option’ for those with intolerances, and lastly ingredients and preparation tips which your good gut bacteria will love.

The dishes also provide tasty, healthy options for those of us with nutritional wellbeing in mind over the busy and indulgent party season.

The gut-loving gastronomy begins with a refreshing melon and king prawn salad, which is low FODMAP (FODMAP is a group of sugars that don’t get fully absorbed and may trigger symptoms) and easy to digest. A slow cooked turkey, orange & fennel tray bake is the main event. Incorporating rainbow colours with polyphenols the dish is also a source of prebiotics and probiotics, lower in fats and saturated fats than other meals and includes cruciferous veg such as Brussel sprouts with high-fibre potato skins. Rounding off the meal is a cinnamon pear crumble, a dairy and gluten-free option that is perfect for those with coeliac disease or those with dairy intolerance. The crumble is also rich in fibre, with most desserts being made from white refined carbohydrates that are low in fibre this dish will help to boost fibre intake which most of us don’t get enough of and which is vital to gut health. Thrifty minded foodies should also check out Lily’s recipes for leftovers; turkey pad Thai, Asian mango salsa and turkey salad, roast veg and hummus mezzo bowl and sprout hash and poached eggs.

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