Who would’ve that a musical about Nobel prize winning scientist Marie Curie would work – but it absolutely works and is a beautiful piece of theatre.

The life of Marie Curie has never been told on stage or film to my knowledge, and hers is a story worth telling. However, this show, set to music, is a wonderful journey of her life, the highs and the lows.
Curie, played by an amazing (Ailsa Davidson), was never taken seriously when she was a young student in Poland – being a woman was a hindrance in classrooms full of men. But Curie was unique, she had a gift for understanding and analysing radio activity. And upon meeting her future husband Pierre (Thomas Josling) after she moved to Paris, they joined forces and discovered polonium and radium which in turn led to the development of the x-ray machine. But it also left many people in the radium factory sick due to the high exposure, including her best friend (Chrissie Bhima). This is all told in this great production with beautiful sets (dark – which sets the mood of the era), spot-on costumes, and music that perfectly matches the story that is being told.

Expertly directed by Sarah Meadows, with book and lyrics by Seeun Choun and music by Jongyoon Choi, it’s a must see show. Davidson perfectly plays Curie with a beautiful singing voice as well. The rest of the cast own up to their roles , especially Bhima with a voice that is big and wonderful. This is a production you don’t want to miss!

Now playing up until July 28th, 2024.


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