Book Your Place for Photo London Talks & Collecting Course

Gathered by the River- Last Light 7pm, from the series Martha ©Siân Davey


Join Fiona Shields, Head of Photography at The Guardian, as she delves into the work and practice of photographer Siân Davey. Having practiced Psychotherapy for the past 15 years, Davey’s work is an investigation into the psychological landscapes of herself, her family, and the surrounding community, all of which are central to her work. With series focusing on family dynamics, meal times and structures, Davey charts the everyday togetherness of family life, as well as the challenges of childhood, the journey of the teenage years, and the tensions of adulthood.

Siân Davey has been the recipient of numerous awards including more recently, the Arnold Newman Award for New Directions in Portraiture and the Prix Virginia Woman’s Photography Award. Her work has been included in the National Portrait Gallery’s Taylor Wessing Portrait Award for the last three years, and her book Looking for Alice was shortlisted for the Aperture Best Book Award at Paris Photo 2016.

Fiona Shields has over twenty years picture editing experience across a range of newspaper titles and has been picture editor of the Guardian for the last nine, having recently taken up the role of Head of Photography at The Guardian.

Places are limited so book yours now

Collecting Courses on Photography with Zelda Cheatle

In the lead up to Photo London 2018, we are delighted to announce the return of our extremely popular collecting photography courses, led by curator, editor, lecturer and consultant Zelda Cheatle. Beginning in late March and ending in May, the two courses are each aimed at seasoned collectors, as well as those who have begun, or are beginning to think about collecting photography. As participants you will have exclusive access to talks by experts, visits to private and museum collections, and practical learning including the correct handling and storing of photographs. You will also learn about photography at auction, in commercial galleries and how photography sits within the commercial art world. Based in central London, participants will visit leading institutions, discuss personal and professional approaches and are encouraged to network, with each course culminating in a private VIP tour of Photo London 2018.

Find out more and reserve you place today

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