When you think of plywood, one word that might immediately spring to mind is ‘functional’. Most of us associate it with being a fundamental material used in construction – often for boarding up windows, shuttering for concrete or as a structural aid in walls or in roof bracing.

But is it possible that standard plywood sheets and boards could serve a wider purpose? One that offers a more aesthetic, cultural quality? It certainly seems that way. It’s increasingly being used in artwork, with sculptors using its unique composition to their advantage (more on that later). So, how exactly does this material lend itself to the art scene? Read on to find out.

The versatility of plywood in crafting functional art

One major benefit to plywood is that it can be used in lots of different ways. We’ve already touched upon its multiple functions in the construction industry, and that versatility can be transferred to the arts and crafts world, too. For example, there are Pinterest pages dedicated to showcasing its various applications, including in children’s bedroom furniture, wall hangings, storage solutions and more.

A finish in line with your tastes

And when using plywood for art, you can adapt its finish to suit your needs. For example, an outdoor seating area may be left rough and rugged, for two reasons. One, it will suit the rest of your garden’s aesthetic – especially if you have wooden fencing surrounding your space. And two, you’ll be covering it with soft furnishings anyway, creating a stark contrast.

On the other hand, plywood has also been used to deliver smooth, sleek finishes – such as in this exhibition recreating some of the UK’s most iconic modernist buildings.

The layered aesthetic

The beauty of using plywood for art projects is its composition. Engineered from several layers of wood veneer glued together, it has a distinctive look. And each layer of wood is cross-grained, meaning the ply boasts a consistent strength right across the sheet and is far less likely to split or warp even in particularly harsh conditions. This makes it a reliable material for artists and sculptors to use.

Sustainability in art

With such excellent durability, plywood can be a suitable option for those who wish to create their pieces as sustainably as possible. It’s also relatively cheap to manufacture and therefore usually affordable, meaning even larger projects that require multiple sheets won’t break the bank.

For so long considered a mere staple of the construction industry, there’s no doubt that plywood has plenty more to offer besides. For those of an artistic leaning, it represents a practical, efficient, versatile material that opens up a whole world of possibilities.

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