The staycation has been a popular holiday option for Brits for many years, increasing in popularity after the pandemic. It allows us to enjoy the British countryside and cities, while spending a great deal less. The stress of going through border control is eliminated, and in most cases, you won’t need to deal with the airport, either. As such, this form of holiday is cheaper, greener, and easier, too.

But if you’re going to get the most from a summer staycation, there are a few essential tips worth following. Let’s consider a few of them.

Plan your itinerary

Before setting out, it’s worth researching your options. Look at where you’re staying, and make a list of the activities you want to do, and the attractions you want to visit. What these are will depend on the location, and your personal tastes. If you’re making a trip to the Isle of Skye, for example, then you might have a long list of walks to get through. On the other hand, you might be looking at ancient castles, scenic drives, and theme parks.

By making a list, you’ll optimise the time you spend. You’ll know exactly what you’re doing on every given day. On the other hand, it’s worth making your plans a little bit flexible: have a backup plan in case the weather is not favourable.

Pack for all weather

One of the most important considerations when planning a holiday of this kind is the weather. In Britain, the weather is notoriously difficult to predict. As such, you’ll want to pack clothes to suit a range of conditions. Even if it’s summer, it makes sense to take along a change of clothes, just in case the heavens open. You’ll also want to tailor your wardrobe to the activities you’ve chosen: if you’re going to be hiking, you’ll need a good pair of walking boots.

Since this is a staycation, you probably won’t have to worry about baggage allowance. Pack as much as your case, and your vehicle, can accommodate!

Stock up on supplies

If you’re catering for yourself, then you can save big money. But you’ll need to make sure that you have all of the essentials. Make a list of recipes for the week, and make sure that you have enough supplies to last. You might plan a trip to the local supermarket as soon as you get there.

Take entertainment

Even the most densely-packed itinerary will have a little bit of downtime, during which you’ll be entertaining yourselves. This is a great opportunity for family bonding time in the evenings. Take a few board games and card games, as well as an audiobook or two for the drive.

Embrace local experiences

If you stick to what’s familiar, then you risk not getting the flavour of the place you’re staying in. If you shop in the same supermarkets and eat at the same chain restaurants, then the chances are good that you’ll miss out. Look for local restaurants, festivals, and one-off events. Don’t miss out on what’s unique about your chosen corner of the country!

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