On a silent night, joy and fear happily mingle with each other, humming tunes in hushed tones, creating a breathtaking symphony. Where an enchanted world, exists alongside the disenchanted one. Where faith is at its helm and fright at its core. A tale of trepidation and freedom-the wild and the calm, Rocky star introduces his Autumn Winter’19 collection.

Inspired by Vatican architecture, the collection features Rocky Star’s take on the painting- ‘Separation of light from darkness’. In a bid to unravel the myriad of experiences we undergo, through the collection, Rocky touches upon the realm of fantasy; the romanticism between good and evil. He takes you on a self- exploring journey, exposing you to fear and enabling you with the power to overcome it.

Mystique drama echoes through this collection, observed from free flowing silhouettes sitting alongside tailored separates. Showcasing contrasts, textures collide when bold knitwear is paired with pleated sequin and quilted pieces. Patch pockets, broad collars and feathers lend to the oddities in silk, organza, velvet and metallic fabrics. Baroque traces influence the collection with ruffle, lace and drape detailing. A layering of elements, shaken, mixed and stirred encapsulate a gothic vibe. Flared pants, crop tops and bodysuits, paired with tailored trench coats, capes and printed bomber jackets, lend to a sense of inherent high-style flounce. It transcends you into a world of allure with a contrasting colour palette that features dark shades of black, grey and maroon, with light shades of beige and white.

Rocky Star’s Autumn Winter’19 collection creates a space where reality and fantasy merge. You’re faced with your inner demons- where belief is a choice and disbelief is deferred.


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