Every single one of us has our own unique intelligence. Our own innate talents.

And yet the sort of intelligence and talents we seem to value most today focus on only a few of them. As a society we increasingly think of intelligence as about being good at maths or a whizz at science, having the ability to speak a foreign language or write a killer history essay. Somewhere along the line we have forgotten to value creativity and those who create things with their hands; those who think outside the box and bring their ideas to life. And yet these skills are actually the most important factors in some fantastic careers.

Careers like hairdressing.

In this film, the current British Hairdresser of the Year, Sally Brooks, explains why hairdressing isn’t a ‘second-best’ career; that it’s actually a career choice full of opportunity and with the ability to grow and change with you throughout your life.  Along with videographer Gabriel Maciuca, also a barber, Sally takes us through the potential highlights of this exciting profession, asks big names in the industry to tell their stories. She also gives her own unique insight into what it takes to get to the very top – advice which can be translated across many other careers.

With hairdressing always topping the list of happiest industries to work in and great apprenticeships available, it really is a career worth exploring. After all, what other careers can offer you opportunities as varied as setting up your own business, creating trends and even travelling the world? With your innate talents, the right mentor and lots of hard work, it could be the career for you.

Bonus material

Within the next two weeks, you will be able to watch this documentary on Amazon Prime.

There will also be a DVD/download with extended interviews from the artists involved


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