38% of the British people polled said that getting fit was their New Years Resolution, with 33% stating that losing weight topped their list. Getting fit is on most people’s to-do list, especially as the holidays and New Year come rushing around the corner. However, when the temperature drops and the idea of even having to move from under your blanket-covered couch cocoon make you cringe, there are ways you can still get fit from the comfort of your heated home.

Save Money on Gym Fees

So while you’ll initially have to invest in a little bit of equipment to get started on a new fitness routine from home, you’ll be able to save in the long-run as you’ll forego the monthly payments you’d have to make in order to head to a gym. If you want to really save money, you can invest in a training program that doesn’t require any equipment aside from your body to use as resistance. Beachbody Insanity and Insanity Max 30 are both programs that are low-cost but highly effective and only require you to be prepared with a DVD player or computer and a towel to wipe the sweat from your brow. You’ll save so much money that you’ll actually be able to buy yourself the right types of food and supplements to fuel your body in the ways that it needs to get and stay fit.

Motivate However You Want 

Traditional gym environments force you to conform to the space, vibe and overall energy that you find yourself in, and while some people find that they are motivated by the competitive nature of a gym, others simply are not. If you find that you are motivated by watching a particular video or by looking at a photo of your dream swimsuit, working out at home provides you with the privacy within which to do so. If you are motivated by seeing yourself sweat it out during squats, nobody is going to judge you for staring into the mirror and watching your thighs bulge and strengthen.

Feel Free to Look Silly

More than half of British fitness fanatics don’t actually know what to do in the gym. So, if you find yourself feeling a little uncomfortable trying to work that new machine, you’re not alone. Most people seem a little out of place in a gym and find that they are too in their heads to even get an effective workout in. Getting fit at home not only allows you to save time and money on getting to and from the gym, but it also allows you to control your environment while working out. You can wear whatever makes you feel comfortable, play music as loud as you want, and look as silly as you need to look in order to complete the exercises you and your body need to feel healthy and fit.

Getting Fit However You Want

We all have different bodies that require different things to feel great and getting fit from home is a great way to ensure you feel comfortable exercising your body in a way that feels comfortable to you. Not only can you save on gym fees and avoid braving the cold winter wind on your commute there, but you can also take control over your environment and motivate yourself in unique and creative ways that might not feel so accepted in a traditional gym environment.

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