Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the wickedest of them all? Disney has introduced us to an impressive array of despicable villains over the years, from swashbuckling pirates and evil queens to wicked witches and powerful gods. But who is the worst of the worst?

musicMagpie have found out once and for all, taking 10 of Disney’s most infamous villains and calculating just how long their prison sentences would be.

Taking the top spot with a prison sentence of 56 years is Hades, lord of the underworld. In his quest to defeat Zeus and take control of Olympus he commits an array of different crimes, including treason, attempted regicide, kidnapping, abuse of power and more.That is until he’s stopped by everyone’s favourite zero to hero, Hercules.

Coming in a close second, with a prison sentence of 53 years is Captain Hook. As well as trying to kidnap and kill his arch-enemy Peter Pan, Captain Hook stoops even lower when he shoots one of his own men in cold blood – for nothing more than singing a song and distracting him!

Third place goes to Ursula, who earns a prison sentence of 50 years for her evil escapades during The Little Mermaid, including treason, fraud and murder.

You can check out the full list over on the musicMagpie website.

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