The question of why it’s important to exercise is a good one, especially if you’re considering the idea, the act of doing so may have you asking yourself the same question, fortunately, it’s an easy one to answer. Exercise is a really powerful medicine, it’s an important part of a healthy lifestyle and helps to prevent health problems, builds strength, boosts energy, and can help you to reduce stress. It can also help you maintain healthy body weight and curb your appetite, but not enough to convince you.

Still not convinced.

Quite simply, your life can be improved by adding exercise to your regime, you can lower the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, diabetes, and obesity can be decreased by exercise. You can lower your risk of developing uterine, colorectal, and breast cancer. Not to mention that it can also aid in maintaining the flexibility of your joints, tendons, and ligaments, making it easier to move around whilst also lowering your risk of falling.

Exercise such as England boxing classes, Reading can also aid with depression treatment and lessen some of the discomfort associated with osteoarthritis along with other ageing-related conditions. It can also help to improve your mental health as well as improve your energy levels and endurance. It has also been known to reduce stress and anxiety which can improve sleep quality, and it helps you maintain your weight by burning calories.

Anyone can do it!

The benefits of physical activity are universal, it is possible to start exercising on your own at a gradual speed for the majority of people. Start with a 10-minute period of mild exercise if you have never worked out before for example, a decent initial workout could be something as simple as a daily brisk stroll. You should increase your exercise intensity and duration gradually if you want to gain the most benefit.

If you have any concerns surrounding your health and the things you do, you can always consult with your doctor first, especially if you suffer with any kind of existing health condition. Even so, if you have a physical impairment that limits your movement, you should still try to exercise in line with your doctors’ recommendations.

How do I know how much exercise to do?

A reasonable goal is to exercise 5 times a week for at least 20 minutes each time; nevertheless, it is critical to start gently, you can begin by exercising twice or three times a week increasing your workout as you go. Once you’ve found your pace, you can progressively increase the amount of time and days you exercise each week.

How do I know it’s working?

Apart from the obvious physical and mental effects of your workouts, you should record your progress including what exercises you do as part of your workout. That way it will be much easier to keep track of what you have or haven’t done and you could even consider working out how many calories you consume compared with how many you burn.

Take care of yourself

It can be easy to injure yourself during exercise, especially if your body is not used to going through the motions, therefore, do be careful and give your body time to recover. Vary your workout from day to day so that you aren’t working the same muscles each day and you should be fine!

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