Women in Film & TV International (WIFTI) presents:
Working For Change: Filmmaking In the New Landscape
in partnership with Marché de Film and Variety
The Swedish Film Institute, other governments and organizations have helped spotlight some of the tools available to address the vast inequities in funding, as well as increase job opportunities and forge wider career paths for women in the film industry.
This panel will discuss how men and women can work in tandem to create change and reach 50/50. Representatives from the Swedish Film Institute, Variety, The Alliance of Women Directors and uMedia will be joined by filmmakers with films in the festival and the Marché to discuss their visions and strategies for gender equality.
“This is a crucial time for women working at all levels in film and television, as we participate in revising the structures, creating safe work environments and creative eco-systems without gender imbalance,” says Eileen Hoeter, Chair of Women in Film & TV International. “This panel will discuss constructive ways forward, and how men can get involved as allies and partners.”
* Kristina Börjeson (Sweden) is the Head of Film Funding at the Swedish Film Institute, where she previously served as the Head of Distribution & Screening. Prior to joining the SFI in 2011, Ms Börjeson worked as the Head of Marketing at Swedish distributor Triangelfilm, and in programming at the Gothenburg Film Festival.
* Kate Rees Davies (UK/US) is an award-winning director serving on the board of the Alliance of Women Directors, an organization dedicated to supporting and encouraging female directors through networking events and career advancement workshops,
* Adrian Politowski (Belgium/US) is the CEO of uMedia, which he co-founded Umedia in 2004 and grew into a leading international production group ($150M+ turnover) with 200 staff based in London, Brussels, Paris, Vancouver and Los Angeles. The group combines the activities of development, production, financing, visual effects and finishing.
* Steve Gaydos (US) is Vice President and Executive Editor at Variety, where he is responsible for over 250 reports a year, producing territorial surveys, film and TV market reports, genre studies as well as business-oriented personality and corporate profiles.
Moderator: Andrea Reuter (Sweden), curator and a producer.
Additional participants to be announced.
Time: Saturday, May 12, 12:00 – 1:00pm
Location: Olympia 4, 5 Rue de la Pompe, 06400 Cannes.
This panel will be filmed.
Additionally, WIFTI invites all festival attendees to Yoga Breakfasts led by Swedish actress Sara Chaanhing Kennedy.
Time: Sunday, May 13 – Tuesday, May 15, all days at 9:00 – 110:00 am
Location: Norwegian – Swedish Film Commissions, Village International Pantiero, Pavilion #217.