Drawing inspiration from her Argentinian heritage, Clara’s designs pay homage to the rustic charm of the Ombu tree and its delicate blooms. This is where Wool Couture comes from: a seamless blend of tradition and innovation. All pieces are entirely [constructed] with hand-made felt and dyed with natural pigments. Through the integration of zero-waste, 3D, wet-felt techniques, Clara achieves an intricate interplay of sculptural shapes.

Photos © Fil Mazzarino

The brand’s cistinctive style is characterised by vibrant colours, layered transparencies, anc meticulous felt craftsmanship, resulting in garments with a unique character. Building on insights from previous collections, the branc’s product-ion technicues have evolved to incorporate innovative approaches in wet, neecle, and nuno felting alongside bio-materials and digital printing. The collection also features an exciting collaboration with jewellery designer Sara Chyan and milliner Nikole Tursi.

Photos © Fil Mazzarino (Fabuk)

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