‘Bernie Dieter’s Berlin Underground’ is back in London, at the Underbelly Festival, and she and her troops are sexier, hotter and better than ever.

Dieter is German/Australian queen of burlesque and the hostess with the mostest. She is simple amazing as she comperes this one hour show that’s non-stop thrills and chills, with lots of flesh on show. And we’ve never before seen Dieter so vulnerable, talking about how she spent the last 18 months above a dive bar in Australia, how she lost her grandmother on New Years Day, and she also reveals her true self. Dieter is simply stunning, amazing and super duper talented.

Dieter is accompanied by four very talented artists who strut their stuff on stage: Lisa Lottie – queen of the hula hoops; Jao – perhaps the sexiest pole dancer in London – she leaves the audience gasping for air; and real-life couple Jonathan Finch-Brown and Ben Finch-Brown – acrobatic kings who show off their skills, talent and amazing bodies. The show is an hour of non-stop chills and thrills, with great music (Deter is accompanied by her Wiemar-punk jazz band) that will keep you wanting more and more. As a matter of fact, I saw the show twice in one week, and plan to see it again before it ends (August 29th).

Underbelly Festival is this year conveniently located in the very green Cavendish Square, with food and drink stalls, creating a magical atmosphere. There are many other shows to catch before the end of the summer, but ‘Bernie Dieter’s Berlin Underground’ is simply smashing – the sexiest show in town.


Review by Tim Baros

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