New official figures released by ONS this week show that the number of divorces last year in England and Wales were the highest since 2009. There were total of 106,959 divorces of opposite-sex couples in 2016 – an increase of 5.8% from 2015. It represents the biggest year-on-year rise since 1985, when there was a jump of 10.9%. For those in opposite-sex marriages, the divorce rate was highest for women in their 30s and men aged between 45 and 49.
Read BBC News’ report on this here:
Sara Davison, best known as ‘The Divorce Coach’ is one of the UK’s most sought after authorities on break-up, separation and divorce. She is the author of best-selling book, Uncoupling1, and recently launched the UK’s first ever Break-Up Recovery Retreats, dubbed ‘Heartbreak Hotel.
As below, Sara is commenting on the factors contributing to this rise.
Sara is available now for media comment and as a talking head on this subject.
- We live in a highly disposable society – if we don’t like something then we change it – phone, clothes, partner. This is fuelled by the saturation of celebrity and reality culture.
- People live longer and 60 is the new 40. So we no longer settle for life alone – as testament, marriage rates are increasing for the over 50’s, a ‘silver splitter’ group, and this proves that there is hope even later in life to find love.
- There is no longer the same stigma around divorce – it’s more acceptable in today’s society and there is much more help and support around.
- People won’t tolerate staying in unhappy or unhealthy relationships – they see another way.
- Emotional abuse is becoming more widely recognised and less tolerated, helped by TV shows such as smash hit BBC series, Dr Foster, which raised significant awareness of this harrowing yet widely unrecognised relationship pattern.
- Online dating is now much easier and more acceptable – apps such as Tinder mean you can date from your sofa on a Saturday night in PJs and no makeup.
- Everyone knows someone who is divorced, as do children who are no longer alone if their parents split up. This makes it easier for the whole family to cope and move forward.
- If parents are unhappy, then living apart is much healthier for kids and this is becoming more accepted than staying together “for the kids”

Sara Davison, best known as ‘The Divorce Coach’ is one of the UK’s most sought after authorities on break-up, separation and divorce. Revolutionising the way we view and navigate one of life’s most traumatic events, Davison’s quest to banish the stigma surrounding divorce and prove that the end of a relationship can be the most empowering, life-affirming event to ever happen to you, is fast catching-on. Hot on the heels of her best-selling book, Uncoupling1, and the recent launch of UK’s first ever Break-Up Recovery Retreats, Sara has created Break-Up Breakthrough: an all-new twenty-part video coaching programme aimed at equipping both men and women with the tools and techniques needed to regain control of their lives and feel happy again after their breakup.
The breakup of a serious relationship is widely accepted as the second most traumatic life experience after the death of a loved one. And, with 42% of first marriages in the UK ending in divorce, the reality is it’s highly likely. An NLP Master Practitioner and qualified hypnotherapist, Sara combines 20 years’ coaching experience together with her own personal experience of marriage breakdown to create bespoke coaching programmes designed to help individuals transition through the turbulent terrain of breakups and reclaim their lives as stronger, happier versions of themselves.
“Break-Up Breakthrough” is a complete 20-step process that offers practical techniques and clear strategies to help both men and women work through the different aspects of a break-up. From banishing heartbreak and healing from betrayal to managing conflict and financial uncertainty, creating a break-up support team, effective co-parenting and moving forward with your life. The unique programme takes you by the hand and empowers you to navigate challenging obstacles with confidence and emotional control, so you can begin to rebuild a future you feel excited to live. The programme encapsulates the very best of the material and techniques used at the Break-Up Recovery retreats, but with the freedom and flexibility afforded through their digital platform.
The last year has seen Sara Davison expand her already thriving global business and brand to launch the UK’s first ever Break-Up Recovery Retreat, dubbed as ‘Heartbreak Hotel’. Based in East Sussex, the immersive two-day workshop, which launched with rave reviews across national media, takes small intimate groups on a journey of rediscovery and they leave with a tool kit of coping strategies, a bespoke action plan and a renewed sense of self. Led by Sara, the retreats run throughout the year and can be booked through the website at
A CDC Certified Divorce Coach, certified motivational speaker and regular media commentator and contributor, Sara has worked and trained with the most revered experts in the field of personal development including Anthony Robbins, Paul McKenna, Richard Banler, Michael Neill and the Barefoot Doctor. Sara was inspired to create her bespoke divorce coaching programme after feeling helpless and frustrated by the lack of practical and emotional support when experiencing the breakdown of her own marriage. Her empathetic and holistic approach has cornered a gap in the marketplace and helped dozens of people across the world rebuild their lives for the better.
Sara Davison said: “Nothing prepared me for the breakdown of my marriage and, after struggling to find any effective or practical support during that two-year period, I felt passionate about channelling all I had learnt to try and help others. My business and holistic background and qualifications enabled me to create strategies and step by step guides that traverse the practical as well as the emotional challenges. I believe that my coaching is the missing piece to the information available in the market today. It’s everything I wish I’d had access to during my own divorce.”
“With the launch of Break-Up Breakthrough, I hope to be able to help more people and reach those who may live far away and would find it hard to travel to one of my events. The retreats have been so successful and I’m enormously excited to be able to offer this in people’s homes around the world. There is happiness after break-up and there are so many things you can do today and every day to speed up your healing process.”
Davison works with clients from all over the world at all stages of their break-up journeys, from the first tremors of doubt through to twenty years post break-up when people can still be trapped in destructive cyclical patterns. The format of her coaching programmes vary to suit the needs of the individual. From one-on-one private coaching to the immersive group environment of a workshop on the Break-Up Recovery Retreats and new Break-Up Breakthrough 20-part video coaching programme, which can be completed at home. She also runs a ‘Reignite Your Life’ members group, an online coaching programme which meets with members twice a month for a webinar to share empowering advice about topics, from health and kids to love and finance, in a supportive group environment. Full details can be found at
With the Chamber of Commerce estimating an annual cost of £46 billion to UK taxpayers because of family breakdown, British businesses suffer enormously as a result of separation and divorce. A 2014 survey by polling company Com Res found that only 10% of employees felt their employer offered adequate support during these circumstances. Sara Davison also extends her coaching to the workplace and offers bespoke corporate break-up coaching and training for HR staff so they are better equipped to manage and support employees going through separation or divorce and minimise damage to the business. This also extends to Business Owners, Directors and Managers who are struggling to cope with the ripple effect of a personal breakup whilst having to motivate and lead their workforce.