· Over 4 million Brits crown Game Of Thrones merchandise as top of their Christmas list this year
· Nearly a quarter (24%) of Brits are more familiar with the Game Of Thrones storyline than the Nativity Story
· Almost two thirds (28%) of UK residents admit they are more excited to find out who will sit on the Iron Throne at the end of Game Of Thrones, than who will be the next to sit on our own British Monarch throne
· The research has been commissioned by clothing and merchandise retailer EMP, alongside a new series of pictures showcasing the brand’s Game of Thrones range as modelled by festive White Walkers

New research out highlights that, despite season 7 ending in the summer, we’re a nation still obsessed with the modern-day cultural phenomenon, Game Of Thrones. So much so, that over half (56%) of UK residents would rather watch Queen Cersei Lannister than Queen Elizabeth II this Christmas Day.
And it’s not just her Majesty who will be subjected to overhaul this year, as nearly a quarter (24%) of Brits have admitted they are more familiar with the Game Of Thrones storyline than they are with the Nativity Story.

Yes, it seems Game Of Thrones hysteria is still sweeping the nation, so it’s not hard to believe that research from EMP, released alongside a new range of pictures showing the retailer’s Game Of Thrones range, suggests one in five (21%) Brits would like to receive merchandise from their favourite show this Christmas – with a staggering 4 million Game Of Thrones fans putting it top of their Christmas list.
According to the online retailer of clothing and merchandise’s research, almost a third (28%) of Brits admit they are more excited to see who sits on the Iron Throne in the ultimate episode of the show that they are to find out who will succeed Queen Elizabeth II.

Christmas party-goers need not worry about awkward conversations with the bosses, as more than one in ten (11%) co-workers intend to use Game Of Thrones chat as their ice-breaker at this year’s festive outing.

The research was released by EMP, Europe’s largest hub for entertainment and music merchandise, alongside a new series of pictures nicknamed ‘Autumn / Winter Is Coming’ which shows White Walkers modeling the brand’s clothing and accessories, while preparing for Christmas and the festive season; putting up decorations, wrapping presents, enjoying a festive trip to the pub and other common traditions, to celebrate the launch of its Game of Thrones Christmas collection.

Ajay Nassa, Managing Director at EMP, said: “Nobody could have predicted that the Game Of Thrones phenomenon would take on such huge Christmas traditions – and win – but it’s clear that Game of Thrones fans eats, sleep, breathe (and wear!) their favourite show with pride.
“Traditional Christmas gifts are certainly not off the table, but at EMP we are here to give everything a Thrones twist and enable you to give someone a gift they will really love this Christmas.”