1. Please could you tell us about your background and how it leads to the work you do today? My career in music has largely had its foundations from my training in art-sketching and sculpting-and my training as an actor-primarily on stage. I did not pick up an instrument or even think about becoming a singer until I was 14 and even then all I wanted to do was thrash a guitar. I never wanted to front a band. But what we think we want and what we really want don’t always go hand in hand and there have been few bands over the years which I did not fall into a lead vocal role in one way or another. Music was always a very passionate hobby throughout my teens and when myself and friends formed bands, we took it all very seriously. This continued into my early 20s with one of my most successful projects Days In December. I signed my first record contract with them and we toured more dates than I can remember. The band had a very confused and tumultuous internal core and we found it very hard to write music together (which ironically I suppose gave us the sound people liked). Eventually the two camps within the band parted musical ways and formed different bands. My camp formed New Device which is the main band (among much loved others) that I front now.
2. Where are you based? I’m based in London.
3. How would you describe your work to someone who hasn’t seen it before?
That’s a fairly simple question if we are talking about New Device as we are quite simply a hard rock band. A wider answer would be that I play for a folk function group called The Wedding Crashers, a progressive rock band called The Smokin’ Aces (who’s songs are based on a sci fi novel I have almost completed), an early 70s rock band called Speed Machine and a very exiting functions group called King Fiction which has a stage show of dancers, pyrotechnics and incredible lighting. At my heart I am ultimately a rocker but as a lyric writer I am either a story teller or a positive messenger. I don’t glorify drug or alcohol abuse or objectify women in my work. That may seem “un-rock and roll” to some but I really don’t care. That sort of low level thinking and writing has had its day as far as I’m concerned and with all the pointless nonsense coming out of pop these days it’s time some of us grew up.
- Who else it’s behind your brand?
I work with many different musicians, artists and “money men”. Over the years I have built up a trustworthy inner circle of trustworthy contacts and friends who make my career run smoother. New Device recently parted ways with 4 Worlds Media as we wanted to release our music independently. We have had a very successful 1st year of independence working alongside Pledge Music which was the company we chose to help us in our crowd funding campaign.
5. What or who has been the biggest singular influence on your work? The biggest singular influence on my work would have to be my father. This is maybe a bit of a cheat answer because he was more the introduction guy in my musical taste. He single handedly introduced me to a wide variety of music from a very early age. He always encouraged me to play an instrument (which I refused to do for a good while). When the day came that I finally said ‘Dad I think I’d like to play the guitar’ his response was immediate. He took me to Harrow music the next day and bought me my 1st guitar. Soon after (when I’d shown him that I was very keen to keep playing) he took me to get my 1st electric guitar. This was one of those milestones in my life where things really started to take shape. So my Dad was more than someone who provided me with influence, he provided me with encouragement and support at the very fragile beginnings of what neither of us knew would turn into my career.
6. Which project have you enjoyed working on the most so far?
No project of any worth has come without some tears or heartache. The project which has provided me with soaring highs and some of the most crushing lows of my life has been New Device.
7. Where people can find more about you and your future projects
In an industry fueled largely by social media Facebook, Twitter and YouTube would be best. Facebook.com/newdevice,@NewDevice and we have a new record out now called “Devils On TheRun” our first single for the release is called “Hollywood Radio”. You can see the video on KERRANG TV, SCUZZ TV or MTV2 or simply search YouTube and find it there. https://youtu.be/bqw9LbXybKE