Pamela Anderson, or under “Sun”, this true woman!!! Who has always been destined to be “LA SAUVEGARDE” (Fr: One who safeguards)!!! From the beaches of Malibu on TV to her groundwork today! In a very real world! She is working for the protection of humanity & the planet! She is a “Guardian Angel” in every sense of the term, and on every level.

She possesses this divine essence, this positive aura, full of “Grace”, that illuminates and enhances everything that surrounds her. “Her cause is noble and just”. We must work alongside her; her fight is ours! Let us work for a better world, to save the seas and the planet!
Pamela Anderson appeared at Casino Barrière Sainte-Maxime just like a fairy; from the moment she stepped out of her car, a modern day carriage, until the moment she made her departure, she brightened up the evening byher Divine Grace, within the sumptuous decor of the Casino Barrière’s private rooms.
The ambiance created by themauve-amethyst-colouredlighting contributed to creatinga first-class atmospherefor the evening, brilliantly orchestrated bythe premises’ dynamic Manager, Mr. Olivier Bader.
The Pamela Anderson Foundation, a champion for the causes of animal and environmental rights, and the Casino Barrière- in its commitment to sustainable development, and its supportofl’observatoire des fondsmarins du Golf de Saint Tropez (Fr: the seabed observatory for the Gulf of Saint Tropez)-were brought together for this gala evening with the common objective of “Protecting the seabed”.
The hearty and sophisticated dinner, specially prepared by “Le Chef du Majestic à Cannes” (Fr: the Chef of Hotel Barrière Le Majestic, Cannes), was entirely vegetarian in tribute to Pamela Anderson. The 70 sponsors who participated in this veryintimate evening, enjoyed an event which was bothintense and magical, aided by the coming-together of a team of professionals, including those from the restaurant, the host “Bruno Robles”, and the director “Olivier Bader “. The “Pamela Anderson Foundation” dinner gala held on March 11th, a full moon day, will be forever etched in the history of SAINTE MAXIME!!!
Photos : Studio Charrier Sainte Maxime Jordi Casals Bruno Bebert
Visual Official Casino Barriere Sainte Maxime
BY: Jordi Casals