One of a person’s greatest skills is adaptability and resourcefulness. Circumstances for facing unpleasant situations or not always favourable, and when coming to health-related emergencies, it is normal for the stress level to get risen.

During the summer season, when due to the more profitable weather we tend to travel more frequently, the environmental factors together with the lower level of comfortability, result in poorer eye hygiene conditions.
First step, in order to be able to prevent unpleasant occasions and later on face them successfully is inevitable, is to be aware of what may occur and informed of the confrontation techniques.

  1. Hello Allergy, my old friend

    Change of location thus environments, consequences in change of the allergens, (such as pollen, dust mites, or pet dander) that we are exposed to.The symptoms on which you should keep an eye on -pun intended- include redness, itching, tearing, and swelling of the conjunctiva.

  2. Error: Hydration not found

    Have you ever thought of how much travelling constraints cause eye-fatigue?Our eyes are a hydrophile environment, and disturbance in the balanced conditions can cause dryness. Long flights and in general the existent cabin air venting, along with different levels of humidity and the rest of external factors of our destinations, can result in feelings of discomfort due to blurred vision, redness and irritability.

    The appropriate lubricant or some eye-drops to cause artificial tears, would be very helpful.

  3. Sunburn Risk

    Are you really surprised by the fact that your skin is not the only part of your body, running as candidate for getting sunburnt? Truly, you shouldn’t.Sunglasses’ role is probably more important than the one you think. The prolonged exposure to sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation is considered responsible for conditions like photokeratitis (sunburned eyes) and long-term damage such as cataracts or macular degeneration.

    While sunglasses is a cool accessory, if you’re facing casual vision issues, and need to wear day-glasses or contact lenses, it might get more complicated, and as human we have the tendency to abandon something when it gets hard. In such a case it’s probably better to ask a consultant eye surgeon for possible solutions.

  4. Invader Detected

    There are two occasion because of which someone is at higher risk for ocular compilations when travelling. One, change of region is accompanied most probable with crowded environments and poorer hygiene facilities, as well as local parasites and diseases that can be contaminated by touching your eyes. And two, due to the outdoor activities practised, as swimming, hiking, biking etc. it is more likely for foreign bodies (sand and small particles) to stick inside your eye. Try resisting the coping mechanism of rubbing your eye and prefer to remove the “invader” by forcing your own eye to do so through tears.

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