SLAYED is a fresh, upcoming reality show that focuses on the journey of 15 aspiring models in London. The show will demonstrate the reality of ‘breaking into the fashion industry’ in London for young models, artists and stylists alike. Using a series of tasks orchestrated and assessed by a panel of judges – all of whom have extensive experience within the industry – to test various skills and qualities, the show will determine London’s most ‘slayed’ model.
Stephanie Amazigo aka ‘The, creator and executive producer of SLAYED, founder of Dernier Cree Modeling agency and Louis Vuitton model, understand too well the trials and obstacles of breaking into the industry. Before owning her own modelling agency, Stephanie managed her own hair salon The Best, in the largely populated East end of London whilst consistently attending model castings herself. Never being one to settle on the hope that one day someone would provide the chance for her to shine, Stephanie took her dream into her own hands and began the pursuit to create her own modelling agency which could truly be a viable option for young people like herself, eager to get into the industry.
After organising her own fashion show to raise money for The Children’s Society Charity in Grays, Essex (hosted by Thurrock council’s mayor Steve Liddiard). Stephanie quickly came to understand that the key attributes she truly needed to achieve her goals were her distinct character, tenacity, passion and, least importantly, her looks.
“People think it simply requires a beautiful face and a badass attitude to make a top model. It really doesn’t. I constantly see and hear of many vulnerable, naiive young people out there trying to fly at dangerous heights without any real support. Of course it would be nice if everybody could soar high and but I’m also here to help clip a few wings where necessary ” (Stephanie Amazigo, founder of Dernier Cree Sole)
Realizing the extent to which young people can give of their time, efforts and money to mass-profit companies and more-often-than-not bogus agencies, Stephanie has aimed to develop a platform for which models, stylists and artists can be individually showcased and directly supported – without being charged an arm and leg for it. Thus SLAYED came into conception.
SLAYED will be more than your ‘regular Joe reality show’, least of all because it will combine key elements from already popular existing shows such as The Apprentice (elimination process), X factor (‘golden ticket’ pass) and … Next Top Model’s concept as well as an exciting celebrity guest line-up. Additionally, one might think that the incorporation of live performances from an amazing range of mainstream to underground musicians might be the reason SLAYED will easily draw a large, diverse audience. However, the real reason SLAYED will stand out because it will possess a vital component that the majority of these shows do not. A genuine picture of reality as it is. Stephanie aims to apply the same raw honest and unapologetic approach she does in her personal life to the show – and to ensure that theme is maintained she has selected a team of young budding entrepreneurs from various areas of expertise, all of who have a like-minded approach to the show.
But of course, we know at this point you’ll be jumping in your seats with anticipation so we’ll pause to give you a sneak peek at some of the celebrity mentors, guest judges, musicians and performers to be slaying on the show.
Alex Reid as Guest Judge on episode 1.
Joey Pasquale as shows narrator.
Alda from the 90s (who topped ‘spice girls’ in the charts) makes a return on SLAYED. A very well known, world-renowned supermodel who we all know will also be gracing our show as Guest Judge but we prefer to keep that silent for now. There will be many more celebrities but this is just a small reveal…
From the producers of the show to the presenters, everyone involved in the making of Slayed come from humble beginnings and have demonstrated their tenacity to achieve success in their chosen field. Here’s a bit more ‘tea’ on the members of and their roles in the Slayed team.
Name: Maryam Wakili
Slaying as: Producer
Co-founder of Dernier Cree Sole Agency, founder of Cybernaut Geeks and hailed by Stephanie as “the driving force” that brought SLAYED from the point of an idea in her head to a tangible project.
Name: Romeo Jamal Santiago
Slaying as: Co-producer and Judge
Romeo aka “Bad Boy” and 2016’s BEEFTA nominee model is an international supermodel and part-time actor as well as being experienced behind the camera in film production. If not for his striking appearance and towering height, you might not guess that Romeo is an international modelling star because of his simple and humble character. “I received only a scratchy education,” he states bluntly. But despite these self-expressed social handicaps, this mostly self-taught man has managed to socialize on virtually equal terms with the crème de la creme of noble personalities.
“Such was my esteem as a man of intellect, erudition, immense charm and devastating wit that I was even invited into the inner circles of Middle Eastern and African kingdoms.”
If ever there was an example of the quote ‘You are the author of your own life..’, then Romeo would be the one to look up.
Name: Karlton Chambers
Slaying as: Director
Founder of HotShots Productions. 2014’s BEEFTA award-winning photographer and also the holder of an International Achievers Award, Karlton is arguably the most experienced in the production team and brings a bank of knowledge and skill to the SLAYED table.
“I’m interested in everything to do with fashion. I’ve been in the business since I was a young boy in school so I know a good opportunity when I see it. Slayed is an amazing opportunity to showcase the raw side of coming up in the fashion industry. That’s something I know a lot about having been there to capture the experience firsthand – both on and off camera.”
Name: Coco Dupree
Slaying as: Judge
Ms. Coco Dupree, born and raised in South East London, is a sensational songstress, songwriter, vocal arranger and dancer with an electrifying passion for the art. She is no stranger to the art of singing as she has spent most of her years with a microphone in hand. Her passion for her craft can be felt through her music. Experiences, lessons, joy, pain and tears have influenced Ms Dupree’s artistic edge, moulding her into the minister of music that she is today.
Her struggles in life have brought her to a strong place with God and her style, lyrics and music tell a tale of a life spent in search of meaning and an inspiring tale that indulges the hearts of her audience. Her eclectic sound is a wonderful blend of genres including traditional gospel, neo-soul, funk, Rock and RnB.
Coco is a devoted and humble Christian whose only passion is to use her amazing craft to elevate the King, and in her words;
“My love for Him won’t cease, He brought me this far”.
It’s certainly no wonder as to why Stephanie determined Ms Dupree would be an amazing addition and a fresh angle to the judge’s panel and SLAYED show.
Name: Acer Anderson
Slaying as: Judge
Acer has been working within the fashion industry, for over 7 years both modelling and personal shopping/styling, with the likes of Burberry, Ralph Lauren, Theory, Kenzo and a number London Fashion Week shows.
After being scouted to become a model at the age of 15, in his local shopping centre ( Lakeside Essex), he becomes signed before he was 16 to one of London top agencies Oxygen as a new face. Just after he turned 16, he had the opportunity to have a billboard in New York Time Square.
In front or behind the camera, Acer is very serious about anything he puts out there, with his name on it! Having styled for a number of London Fashion Week shows, to a major campaign to A-list celebrities, he knows one or two things about making everything work and has a strong eye for detail.
Needless to say, Stephanie knows exactly what to look for when spotting for true talent in a place as crowded and competitive as London – her selection of the entire SLAYED production team is clear evidence for that. Its also goes without saying, that she is dedicated to challenging the pre-conceived perceptions of the fashion industry; topics such as what it equates as “beauty” and “success”. However, what one certainly need to point out is that The Duchess also knows how to deliver real entertainment. When you ponder over all the factors in play, then consider the celebrity additions, rounded off with sensational live act performances and then topped with the spicy and full flavoured cherry that is The Duchess herself, it’s obvious that SLAYED is going to slay airtime on our TVs for the next few weeks. I suppose its befitting that Stephanie’s last quote is…
“We don’t play the game. We slay it.”