Top U.K plastic surgeon highlights the top 5 things you can be doing to beat the impact of winter on your skin routine
Leading cosmetic surgeon and CMO of Uvence, Dr. Olivier Amar, discusses how the winter lockdown has the potential to take an even greater toll than before on our skin
Consequently, many of us are left asking the recurring question: how can I fix my skin? Winter can be an especially difficult time for maintaining routine and motivation when it comes to skin issues. Dr. Olivier Amar, CMO of Cosmetic Treatment innovator Uvence, is here to offer his 5 tips and tricks to help you look your best during this time:
Hydration is key. Drinking more water helps to flush out toxins from the body, leaving the skin looking more radiant and youthful. As our skin is also comprised of up to 30% water, increasing water intake helps it to look plump. Try drinking at least 2 litres a day to really notice the benefits.
Stick to a routine! Lifestyle changes, such as entering strict lockdown measures, disrupts your body’s routine, and has the potential to cause unwanted breakouts. To help restore your body clock, try to go to sleep at a similar time each evening, also making sure to get between 8 and 10 hours of sleep each night. Following a 3-step ‘cleanse tone and moisturise’ skincare routine twice a day will also help to keep it looking its best.
Use SPF! Over a quarter of Brits did not know that the winter sun can still cause much damage to our skin. Make sure you’re using a moisturiser that contains an SPF of at least 15 – even under make-up – to help protect your skin from harmful UV rays.
Exercise for a least 15 minutes a day, as this helps increases blood circulation to the face. Red blood cells help carry oxygen and vital nutrients to parts of the body that really need it – more blood cells mean more nutrients! Exercise, therefore, helps to combat the drying effects of the winter air which can cause dullness in the appearance of skin.
You are what you eat. Eating a balanced diet and getting in those essential vitamins helps your skin from the inside-out. Ensuring you get your 5-a-day will increase your intake of antioxidants, helping reduce pigmentation as well as wrinkles. Including healthy oil-rich foods in your diet, such as tuna, has also been shown to increase collagen production in the skin, improving its overall texture.
Dr Olivier Amar, CMO of Cosmetic Treatment innovator Uvence, comments:
“Winter can be a really tough time when it comes to looking after our skin. Our motivation often depletes dramatically, consequently meaning that attention to our skin and the steps we take to look after it are neglected. Following these 5 simple tips will really help to keep you on track and ensure your skin stays looking the best it possibly can during the winter months in lockdown”.
It is, however, understandable that many of us turn to cosmetic producers to help improve the appearance of our skin. These tips should be the first thing to consider and anyone considering further measures should speak extensively with a doctor prior to committing to any procedure. If you are looking for a treatment that can help your skin in a natural way, Uvence offers a great solution to help tackle the skin problems thousands of Brits struggle with every day. Steering clear from the toxins and filler which traditional cosmetic procedures utilise, Uvence instead uses patients’ own cells to rejuvenate and plump the skin in the most natural way, directly targeting the issues which this winter lockdown is throwing our way.”