Energy efficiency is an extremely important consideration for the modern household. Between the ever-developing climate crisis and the rising costs of energy in the UK, the reasons for energy mindfulness are many and varied – though the economic hardships associated with inflated utilities bills have been particularly impactful for households in the UK.
Going into the second half of the year, it is hard not to think about the inevitable dropping of temperatures, and consequent rises in energy expenditure. There are, however, some simple and highly effective hacks you can employ to increase your home’s energy efficiency and get the most out of your radiators. What are they?
Keep Them Clean
This is a simple but hugely effective tip, that might give you a little cause to grumble; you should ensure that your radiators are dusted and cleaned on a regular basis. Clean or otherwise new radiators are able to transfer their heat more efficiently than dirty, older units. Regular cleaning allows you to maximise the amount of heat that is actually radiated, with tangible benefits for the feel of your room. You’ll also benefit from less musty-smelling rooms when it comes time to switch your heating on after the summer.
Regular Bleeds
Radiators also need to be bled on a regular basis – bleeding being the pulling-through of water in order to remove air bubbles. When air builds up in a radiator, it reduces the effectiveness of the radiator as a whole. The giveaway is cold spots; if you find some, bleed your radiator and enable it do radiate more heat. Don’t forget to bring a bucket or two!
Tweak Your Thermostat
Where a house feels cold, it can be tempting to whack the thermostat all the way up in order to blast your home with some heat. This isn’t especially efficient, unless you are doing so once a day and otherwise leaving your heating alone. The most efficient way to heat your home is to set a constant, comfortable ambient temperature. Using your thermostat’s timer or calendar allows you to pre-program spells of heating, too.
Location, Location, Location
Your radiators’ placement is vital for the success of a room’s heating. By this same token, your placement of items in a room should be mindful of the position of your radiators. Covering your radiator with anything, whether a curtain or the arm of a sofa, is inviting your heating system to waste energy heating up said curtain or sofa. Leave a foot or so of space at least, in order to let the heat propagate properly.
Reflect And Retain
Finally, a small hack that can make a big difference: playing a reflective material of some sort behind your radiator allows you to capitalise on heat that would otherwise end up in your wall. Even aluminium foil can be enough to enjoy the fruits of this effect.